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Year 3: Hazel and Holly

Hazel Class: Mr M Glanney

Holly Class: Mrs C Vasku

Learning support assistants: Mrs V Gehnich, Miss L Malocaj and Mrs S Lovett-Kelly.

Key Days

  PE Library



Homework Expectations

  • Practise number skills on the Numbots app for 30 minutes per week  (until they have completed diamond stage)
  • Practise times tables on the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) app for at least 30 minutes per week
  • Daily reading for at least 15 minutes. Children should complete at least one quiz a week on Accelerated Reader
  • Weekly spelling activity on Purple Mash
  • Weekly maths activity on Purple Mash (15-20 minutes)

Enrichment Opportunities

  Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2
Whole School Event            