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Maths: Key Documentation

Maths at Bierton CE Combined School

Maths No Problem Long Term Plan

Maths Policy

To get a brief overview of our vision, intent and implementation for Maths at Bierton CE Combined School, please view this document: Maths at Bierton

Progression Documentation

These documents provide information about the progression of skills and knowledge in the different mathematical domains. 

Addition and Subtraction


Geometry: Properties of Shape

Geometry: Position, Direction and Movement


Multiplication and Division

Number and Place Value

Ratio and Proportion


Please refer to our long-term plan for reference to possible alterations for when certain objectives may be taught.

Maths No Problem Documentation

At Bierton CE Combined School, we follow Maths No Problem during our main daily maths lessons. Below is some documentation linked to Maths No Problem.

Maths No Problem: Vocabulary

Maths No Problem: Calculation Policy