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Collective Worship

‘Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’

Matthew 5:16

Children and staff of Bierton engage in collective worship each day. As part of our collective worship, we come together to explore and reflect on our Christian values. Each half term, we focus on a different value and explore each value in a variety of ways: through bible stories, music, reflection and drama. Our Christian values that we explore are: 

 Themes for collective worship are planned by the co-ordinator and foundation governors. Children plan, deliver and monitor collective worship in numerous ways. Children participate in fortnightly Open the Book assemblies and we also have Spirituality Ambassadors who lead prayer and reflection at the end of each assembly. We regularly ask the children to review collective worship and act on their views and opinions. A recent pupil voice requested that once a week, we hold key stage assemblies so the content could be tailored more to their age group. We have amended our assembly rota to allow for weekly key stage assemblies.

Below, is an outline of our focus for each half term:

Autumn 1 Responsibility
Autumn 2 Cooperation
Spring 1 Love
Spring 2 Respect
Summer 1 Honesty
Summer 2 Social Action 

 In addition to the whole school collective worship, the children at Bierton have helped to create their own prayer and reflection space within their classroom. These calm and peaceful spaces provide children with the opportunity to reflect and be still, whilst thinking about the Christian value that the school is currently focusing on.

Families do have the right to withdraw a child form an act of Collective Worship. This can be discussed with the Headteacher, or your child’s class teacher.